Education - Communications - Tech and Innovation Case Studies

Museum Outreach Street Gallery

CDG is designing an innovative museum outreach concept that employs the next generation in museum exhibiting technologies.

A goal of this concept is to build museum awareness and visits from an audience on the street that would not otherwise be engaged. For the street gallery, CDG is combining an existing range of interactive display technologies, including kinect game sensors for interactive storytelling, touch foils for window keyboards, sidewalk touch floors, and QR codes. These display technologies engage with the passerby's finger touch and body movement. These can act as navigation menus or show the pedestrian as actual characters inside museum exhibit stories together with sound projected onto the windows and sidewalk. QR codes accessing linked websites by cell phone camera allow deeper search for more exhibit content. Touch foil keyboards encourage news alerts sign-ups, member drives, and also attract visits inside the museum.

copyright 2011