Tech and Innovation Case Studies - Retail

FLAX Art Store

The store's commercial art materials business model was suffering from the digitalization of art media. CDG collaborated with the management team to develop a new consumer business model for yet to be determined merchandise.

The key strategy was to create an fresh consumer experience with appealing design on a tight budget. CDG suggested dramatic focal display points laid out like pavilions in a park concept that encourage shopper exploration. At these displays, shoppers could try new products that the store tested for the right merchandise mix to produce high volume. CDG used low cost industrial hardware to build unique, large scale displays and signs. An additional innovative design was the use of factory electrical power lines dropped from the ceiling that allowed easy, flexible casework relocation. CDG also produced all construction documents, administered construction, and obtained all permit approvals. It won VM&SD Magazine's General Merchandise Store of the Year.

copyright 2011